
Sturgeon Heights Junior High students compete against other schools in the Division in cross country, volleyball, basketball, badminton, and track and field events. They also enter numerous volleyball and basketball tournaments against other schools in the area. 

Usually our teams are made up of junior high students only. If we are unable to create our teams from the Junior High, we will communicate this to elementary age students and families and a selection process will be put in place to create opportunity for play. Sturgeon Heights students are respected around the division as competitive athletes and good sports, and have won numerous championships.

Students from Grades 4 to 9 make up the Sturgeon Heights Track and Field teams, Running Club, Edmonton Journal Games teams, and Cross Country teams, which compete in annual events against other schools in the Division.

Participation in extra curricular or interschool activities is based not only on skill level, but students must also be in good standing in their classes and be positive ambassadors for the school.

PARENTS: Please ensure that, if your child is competing on our sport teams, you have read Sturgeon Public Schools's Interschool Sports Handbook.